The proven method to create a buzzing community and profitable online course business (without the overwhelm)!
Enrollment ends in…
Have you ever seen super successful
Bloggers, YouTubers, or Podcasters and wondered,
“How on earth are they making money?”
If you’ve been creating free content online and trying to use it to grow a profitable work-from-wherever business, it can be frustrating to see people who appear to be doing the same thing as you, but are earning way more money!
And if you’re newer to blogging, podcasting, or creating videos for your audience, then seeing other people’s revenue numbers can be totally intimidating. It can be especially upsetting when the content they’re creating isn’t even as good as yours…
…Perhaps you’re thinking, “If only people just knew I existed, then I’d be able to turn my content into a bonafide business…and help a lot more people in the process!”
You’d love to get the same results, but how? Do these other creators have something you don’t? Nope!
You can do it, too. Just imagine…
Being the go-to leader in your niche and having hundreds (or thousands) of customers thanking you for making an impact on them.
Making money for your creative work without having to actually trade hours for dollars.
You can turn your free content and passion into a seriously profitable business without needing to do sponsored posts, become an affiliate marketer, or do one-on-one services.

Am I too late to the game?
(Nope! But you need to know how to stand out.)
Many, many years ago, it was easy to earn thousands per month from your website by simply putting ads all over your site, using affiliate marketing, and doing sponsored posts.
Well… things have changed.
These methods don’t work the way they used to, and frankly, there are much more fulfilling ways to earn an income by creating organic, helpful content!
Besides, if you’re building a following based on ads, you’re literally sending traffic away from your site and content once they get there. What’s the point of building a following, only to send people away?
Real Talk:
What is “content” anyways?
Oh, just that thing you’re probably already doing or want to be doing! In my eyes, there are a few major content platforms – I call them The Big Three: blogging, podcasting, and creating videos for YouTube.
Many years ago, I started a blog where I would create helpful content for my readers each week. Within 3 years, that ballooned into a million dollar business! Later, I started a podcast, and had my first multi-million dollar year in business that same year my podcast launched.
The foundation of my entire business was the free content I created online.
And in my opinion, it’s the BEST way to create a business that has longevity. If you create helpful, free content, you can use that to attract an online audience. And once you have an audience following your content? You will have a sustainable business for years to come! Many of my own followers have been around since I launched my blog… seven years ago!
But of course… it’s not as simple as throwing up a blog post, podcast episode, or YouTube video and expecting the money and community to roll in. You need to use a specific strategy that’s designed for content creators AND that works in 2020.
The best way to earn an income from your free content is by creating and selling online courses.
Yes, my content-based business brings in over a million dollars per year. You just can’t do that with one-on-one services or ads (believe me, I tried!).
Grocery stores sell groceries.
Mechanics sell auto repairs.
And content creators sell online courses.
Here’s why content creators are the best people to create and sell online courses:
You’re already sharing information through your blog posts, podcast episodes, or YouTube videos! Online courses allow you to package up that information into a product that your audience will be dying to buy. It’s the natural next step.
With online courses, you become a leader in your industry and can create a business based on your skills and passion vs. ads and traffic. That’s more like it!
Your income potential is limitless. It takes you the same amount of time to make a course that sells 20 spots as it does a course that sells 2,000. And you can make a full-time income from your courses even with a small audience!
It takes hard work to make this happen, but it’s not overly complicated if you have a step-by-step plan to follow. You can absolutely get results like me and my thousands of Profitable Creator students have.
Online Yoga Teacher
Get this: after implementing the strategies from The Profitable Creator, Allie launched her first course about yoga and meditation. That course earned $65,000 in just 3 weeks. Listen to the video to hear more about her incredible story (and what she and her husband are going to do with the money!).
Copic Marker Teacher
Mindy is in a very unique niche – she teaches people how to create art in order to relieve stress. Using the strategies in TPC, Mindy was able to grow her email list to 2,500 subscribers and launch an online course that has earned over $3,000 in sales. Check out Mindy’s interview now.
Etsy Shop Coach
After taking The Profitable Creator, Lindsay’s traffic doubled every month for six months! She also hosted her first webinar, which earned $1,000 in online course sales. Lindsay enrolled in TPC because her blog was new, but she had a vision and wanted to hit her goals as quickly as possible. Listen to her interview to learn more about her inspiring story!
Film-Making Teacher
Ela has just about the coolest niche. She teaches filmmakers how to make independent films. She’s also a triple threat: writer, director, and actor. Ela launched her first course using strategies from The Profitable Creator and earned $17,000 right out of the gate! Since then, she has earned more than $100,000 in her first year of going through the course. Her return on investment for TPC has been 100x! Take a listen to this video to learn more about her experience.
“Is the online course industry too saturated for me?”
Ahh, I get this question a lot!
“What if someone else already created the course I wanted to create?”
“Why would someone buy MY course when there’s someone else with a much bigger following already selling a course on the same topic?”
It’s a good question, sure, but it’s missing something important: YOU. Think of it this way, why do Pepsi AND Coke both exist? What about Trevor Noah AND Stephen Colbert? Or the zillions of Disney movies that all basically have the same plot?
The reality is that either someone has already created a course on the same topic as you, or someone will. But that’s no reason why YOU shouldn’t create your course. The reason someone buys a course isn’t JUST because of the information they’re going to learn; it’s because of the person teaching it. Read. That. Again.
Now, you might be saying, “Why would someone want to buy a course from little old me when the Oprah of my industry has a course on the same topic?!”
Well, just because someone is popular doesn’t mean their personality, experience, or teaching style will resonate with everyone.
In fact, the things that make you different are also the things that make you profitable!
So, to answer the original question? Nope! The online course industry isn’t too saturated, friend. In fact, it’s estimated that the e-learning industry will be worth $325 BILLION by 2025. Holy cannoli! This means that while more people might be creating online courses, waaaaay more people are buying them, too. So, the people who create courses NOW are in for an exciting surprise as the industry continues to skyrocket!
So, who cares if your course has already been done! It hasn’t been done by YOU, and in the marketing world, that’s a pretty big deal.
I created The Profitable Creator to give you the complete system I used to turn my passion into a thriving business.
I haven’t always had a successful, content-driven business. I know what it’s like to work constantly and feel like you’re getting nowhere. Truuuust me.
When I started my blog, I was a busy classroom teacher living paycheck-to-paycheck in a 300-square-foot studio apartment on a tiny income. I didn’t feel valued at my job and my creativity was withering.
In other words, I. freaking. get. it.
And despite spending all of my time creating free content, I felt like my growth was slow and sporadic.
I looked at other content creators whose growth seemed effortless and wondered what they knew that I didn’t. My content was just as good – so why was no one reading it?
Then, things changed.
After a year of throwing spaghetti at the wall, I started to find my footing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was developing a system – one that actually worked – in order to turn my blog into a wildly successful business. Nine months into blogging, I was able to quit my day job to run my blog full time.
Now, a few years later, the community I’ve grown through my blog includes over 350,000 subscribers and followers! Not to mention, I was able to turn my blog into a multi-million dollar business… all because I learned how to use my free content as an insanely effective tool to build an online empire.

The Profitable Creator compiles the most powerful lessons + strategies I’ve learned into a fool-proof, step-by-step method that will turn your content into a money-making biz.
In The Profitable Creator, I’m showing you the exact strategies I’ve used and steps I’ve taken to grow my following to over 350,000 subscribers and followers and a million dollars in annual income.
You may feel overwhelmed right now. Should you use Facebook ads? What about Instagram? Do you need to create dance videos on TikTok?! Nope! You need to simplify and focus on the best and most sustainable method…
The free content you create on your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel is your #1 asset.
And inside The Profitable Creator, I’m going to break down my Profitable Creator Method to show you how to increase your income, launch your first online course, and grow an engaged community that absolutely loves what you create.
Are you ready to jump off the hamster wheel of overwhelm by trying to do All The Things? Ready to simplify, get clarity, and use the same system that turned my content into a ridiculously profitable business?
Number of people using
The Profitable Creator Method
Here’s what TPC students have to say:

Film Making Teacher

We can honestly say that one of the BEST decisions we’ve made for our business growth was choosing to enroll in The Profitable Creator! After implementing Melyssa’s strategies in TPC, we launched our course – earning $18,000 in two weeks! A few months later, we launched our course again. This time, we earned over $100,000 and grew our email list by 500% in just 3 months! Melyssa’s guidance has been invaluable to our accelerated growth and success.
If you’re ready to truly invest your time, money and energy into a system that will actually take your business to the next level, then this course will be your secret weapon!
Bucketlist Bombshells

Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator

My traffic increased, too. I started at 3,900 pageviews, and within 3 months, I’m now hitting 17,500! The best of all is it’s converting between 3-6% of that traffic to a mailing list and it’s all free traffic.
Debt and Finance Blogger

Because of TPC, I absolutely KILLED IT during my launch, and turned my yoga blog into a yoga business. I earned almost $70,000 during my three-week launch, gave my notice to leave my job, and now my hubby and I are planning to buy a sailboat and run our business around the world. I couldn’t have done it without your courage and guidance. So much love and gratitude!
Yoga Teacher and Blogger

4 months after taking TPC, I feel like I’m getting the kind of traffic that normally takes years to earn. I also grew my list to 900 subscribers (from zero) and it’s growing everyday.
I’m just so happy that I made the decision to join TPC. It was a big decision and an investment, but it was totally worth it.
Productivity + Organization Teacher

There was one video in Module 5 that changed my entire year and showed me how I was letting fear hold me back for months. Now, I’m so close to finishing everything for my launch – the membership site is being constructed and the final videos have been uploaded. I’m almost ready to launch my course!
In short: that video helped me make immense progress with my course idea that I’d been “working on” for over a year previously. The video in Module 5 was only six minutes long, but it changed the entire year for me.
Website Designer and Developer

Before enrolling in The Profitable Creator, my audience was growing slowly and I was only doing in person classes, and I was also pregnant. I realized if I created a course I could have some income while I was out with my baby and also be able to serve those who couldn't come to my classes in person. So I took TPC and right away and learned what I really needed for the course, what tools to use, how to structure it and how to plan it with my project manager. I'm thrilled to have made almost $8,000 in that first launch and to have a product out there that I can continue selling. I would not have been able to get started without The Profitable Creator. I totally recommend it.
Instagram Marketer

Nadia Colburn
Align Your Story

Before I enrolled in The Profitable Creator I wasn't sure how to transition from in-person trainings to offering online courses. Melyssa gave me the exact roadmap to follow to launch my course and how to use storytelling to write email sequences and warm up my audience for better results. After going through the course, I was able to go from 350 to 4,000 email subscribers and my first launch for my course sold $92,000! I wouldn't have been able to reach so many people and generate such revenue without creating my own online course.
Carole Bardasano
The Digital Buzz
As a member of The Profitable Creator you’re going to:









Let’s take a look at what you’ll learn in each of the six modules:
- Double your website’s traffic using my Pinterest formula. It works with just about every industry + niche!
- Find out the simple tweaks I make to my website’s SEO to get a LOT more organic traffic from Google. You don’t need to be a techie to implement these strategies!
- Make sense of those Google Analytics numbers and learn which reports you need to pay attention to + take action to grow your audience even more.
- The age old question: should you be focusing on growing your Instagram account or your email list?
- All of that new traffic is great, but without an email list, you can’t turn your content into a business. Learn how to set up your list for continual growth and profit.
- Find out what to send to your list on a regular basis (and which emails to send before your course launch to maximize sales).
- Create perfect lead magnets and content upgrades to grow your list exponentially. When done right, this is one of the best strategies you’ll ever learn.
- Figure out the one email sequence you should send to EVERY new subscriber you get.
- Learn the fresh, free strategies I used to grow my list by 30,000+ new subscribers in ONE year. (And these same strategies have helped me grow my list to over 200,000 subscribers today!)
- These same strategies have helped my students rapidly see hundreds or thousands of new subscribers in weeks or months!
- Small list? No problem. We’ll go over how to leverage your email list to sell your new online course (and yes, I give you email templates you can use that are proven to work!)
- I’m going to help you come up with your money-making course idea. It’s OK if you don’t feel like you’re capable or knowledgeable enough to create an online course. I’ll prove you wrong! 😉
- Use my course creation system to create the outline and content for your course. In other words, I’ll help you figure out what to teach inside of your course and what kind of content will help your students get results fast!
- What about pricing? Naming? And all of the other things that go into building a course?
- Find out how to position your course in the right way so that your audience thinks, “I have to have that!”
- Tackle the tech side of setting up your course, payment options, and sales pages stress-free. Really! I’ll show you all the tools you need (including free + paid options for everything so you won’t use cash flow as an excuse to postpone your launch).
- Confused about what to put on a sales page? I’ll show you how to create a sales page that actually gets people to buy your product (with the exact elements you should include, step-by-step!).
- Discover how to present a killer course without EVER needing to be on camera. I’ll also share some sweet presentation tips to create a captivating (i.e. not boring) course that your students will rave about.
- Never sold anything before? No problem! This module is alllll about the formula for launching that will make you feel good about putting your “sales cap” on for the first, second, or twentieth time.
- You’ll get a launching schedule (a.k.a. a step-by-step blueprint!) for your first launch and a more complex schedule for when you’re ready to go even bigger.
- Learn how to create buzz, hype and anticipation BEFORE your product launches. You’ll have people drooling over your product before it’s even for sale!
- Email marketing swipe copy. Writing promotional emails is the scariest part of launching for many content creators. These scripts show you exactly what to send to your email list during your launch (and have resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in revenue for my students).
- Webinars are my secret sauce. Get the full scoop on how to use webinars to earn thousands of dollars in course sales for your first launch (and way more after that).
- Learn exactly what you should put into your webinar to receive the most sales AND still be authentic (i.e. without feeling like a used car salesman).
- Simple tweaks that have helped me earn over $60,000 on a single webinar.
You also get tons of bonuses when you enroll…
$4,382 worth of bonuses, if you’re keeping track.
Let’s take a peek at the extras you’re gonna get when you enroll:
6-Figure Launch Blueprints
$397 Value

Have you ever launched a course or product? Maybe just the thought of that feels so overwhelming. Well, there can be a LOT of moving parts, even for first-time launches. In this bonus, you’ll get two strategically mapped out launch master plans – one that is perfect for beginners (and is easy to implement), and another that’s a little more advanced and extensive.
Both master plans include a checklist and calendar of events so you can be as organized as humanly possible.
You’ll also get access to a special masterclass with launching expert, Dee Reller, who is a master at planning and organizing launches, and will help you do the same. And yes, these are the same blueprints I use in my own business!
Members-Only Facebook Community
$497 Value

You’ll get access to our exclusive Facebook group with thousands of Profitable Creators. In addition to Melyssa, you have access to a Business Coach and Mindset Coach inside the group to ensure that you always have clarity and support when you need it. We aim to answer ALL questions within 1 business day or less – no one gets left behind here!
10 Copy-and-Paste Money Making Launch Emails
$997 Value

As you’ll learn in The Profitable Creator, your email list is one of your most important assets. But sending “sales emails” during your course launch can be tricky, and the right emails can make the difference between blowing your income goals out of the water… or barely scraping by.
This 10-part sequence includes the exact language I’ve used to sell millions of dollars worth of courses to my audience.
And the best part? In this bonus, I completely guide you through everything you should say – even including “fill in the blank” sections to make it all SUPER simple (and profitable) for you.
Live, Weekly Coaching Calls
$1,997 Value

We also have an incredible business coach who has built and launched her own incredibly successful online course business. She’ll be answering questions about online course creation and launching, email marketing, audience building, and more!
Lastly, you will get access to our “How They Did It” sessions with one of my successful students or mastermind members who will show you how they got amazing results in their business. Many of my students purchase my courses just for the coaching calls – they are THAT good. I offer high-level group coaching programs that are tens of thousands of dollars to join. But you’ll get these coaching calls until May 2021 as a free bonus when you join The Profitable Creator!
The Getting Started Guides for Bloggers, Podcasters, and YouTubers
$197 Value

While the The Profitable Creator System works whether you’re a new or seasoned blogger, podcaster or YouTuber, this special bonus will help you get set up with these 3 platforms even if you’re just starting out.
TPC walks you through how to get traffic, grow your email list, and create a profitable course… but what do you need to do BEFORE you dive into those things? How do you pick the right platform for your website? What should you include in your blog posts, podcast episodes, or YouTube videos to help them stand out and turn visitors into raving fans? This bonus shares all the secrets that experienced content creators already know, in order to help you get started with ease.
Sales Funnel Accelerator
$297 Value

Sales Funnel Accelerator is a mini course that breaks down HOW to set up a high-converting sales funnel. What is a sales funnel, you ask? Well, it’s a system you can set up so that your course makes consistent sales, day after day. Without a sales funnel, you’d have to constantly launch your course, which can be tiring! This way, you’ll be bringing in passive income on the daily. This bonus course even includes three prototypes of sales funnels I’ve used in my business to earn millions of dollars (literally on autopilot)! It’s the perfect “next step” after you complete The Profitable Creator, which is why I’m giving it to anyone who pays for TPC in full!
Ditch the overwhelm.
As it turns out, the most successful bloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers know something you don’t. They know how to turn their free content into a wildly successful business. Wouldn’t you like to know how they do it? I can’t wait to share it all with you in The Profitable Creator!
- MSpend all their time trying to grow an Instagram following
- MFocus on their Facebook Group instead of their email list
- MTry to figure out Facebook ads before using organic growth methods
- MSpend hours per day in their email inbox
- MPiece together haphazard strategies, hoping that they will work cohesively
- MLet fear stop them from living their dreams
- MListen to every podcast and read every business book as a form of distraction
- MUse excuses like, “I just don’t have the time...”
Using my Profitable Creator Method to grow an online course business is the modern way to make a living online. It capitalizes on what you already know and what you’re already teaching through your free content to create a sustainable income and digital community. And it’s all in a step-by-step system, so…
You can finally leave the overwhelm and Shiny Object Syndrome at the door!

Enrollment closes soon!
Here’s what TPC students have to say:

Wilderness and Nature Teacher

Before we enrolled in The Profitable Creator, we had no idea what it took to create an online course, build an email list, or how to sell an online course. The lessons on what to do during the launch were especially helpful because launching was probably the most daunting aspect of it all. Thanks to The Profitable Creator we welcomed 135 students on our first launch, which translates to over $40k in sales! If you’re looking for the exact steps necessary to build a successful online course, The Profitable Creator is the course to take!
YouTube Channel Creator

The Profitable Creator has helped me so much with my blog and creating my first online course to show my audience how to teach Chinese at home. Melyssa has provided so many tips, guides and step-by-steps instructions for me to accomplish it. Even though I’m not a native English speaker and I’m not very techy, I’m excited I could create an online course, promote it, and earn some extra income for my family. I followed the strategies in The Profitable Creator to pre-launch my course and I welcomed 25 students into my course and made $2,132 in my first launch! I couldn’t be happier!
Chinese Instructor

I’ve launched my first paid e-course in Hebrew after implementing Melyssa’s mind-blowing strategies in TPC. I’m so pumped to say that the first 2-week course launch went great and I made over $30,000 selling my FIRST paid course!
It’s truly one of the best feelings in the world to see that the first digital product I created went so well!
I must say that I truly owe a huge part of this success to the The Profitable Creator course and community! The course taught me so much about marketing and the strategies I learned made this launch so powerful. Melyssa, thank you so much for that!
The Hedonistit

Thank you, Melyssa, for such a great course. I truly don’t think I would’ve been able to create my own course without the help of your course. Not only did it provide information, but it motivated me to keep going.
Organize Yourself Skinny

In May 2017 my site won Best Pet Blog Design at the BlogPaws conference for pet bloggers and influencers! I have since landed many sponsored post opportunities, grown my email list and created a content library for my email subscribers to enjoy. I’m now going back through the content to see how I can apply the lessons to my other business and seeing great results there, too!
Wear Wag Repeat

Dream With Content

Goodness, every time I turn around, I find myself going back to the TPC course and retaking modules! Of all my educational investments, this course has been by far the most practical and useful!
When I began this course, I had an idea for a coaching business – a name, really. That’s about it. In 6 months, I’ve used the course to build my core blog content, start building an email list using collaborative webinars, and have created regular income from my new business! I had my first $5k month recently due to Melyssa’s webinar techniques. I have invested into a coach and a mastermind, but keep coming back to this course to break down my high level ideas into action. It’s just that good!
The Successful Creative


I took TPC because I did not have the time to figure this out myself. It would have taken me hours and hours to figure all of this out on my own. So, when The Profitable Creator came out, it’s exactly what I needed! It’s been a game changer.
Etsy Shop Strategist

I followed other bloggers and they were teaching me things that weren’t working. I was getting no traffic and I didn’t have any products to sell. Now I’m getting tons of traffic and subscribers after implementing all of the strategies in Melyssa’s TPC course.
I fully, 100% trust everything Melyssa teaches so I decided to join her course and I’m so glad I did. I would join again in a heartbeat!
Copic Marker Teacher

Melyssa does an A+ job explaining everything you need to turn your blog into your business while making it fun. Now that I’m gaining followers, seeing insane blog growth, and most importantly understand what in the heck I am doing, I’m planning my first course and I cannot friggin’ wait to release it!
Graphic Designer

The Profitable Creator isn’t just a course about blogging, it’s an all-encompassing program to help turn blogging as a hobby into a full-time job you love. The support from the TPC community was invaluable and I would highly recommend this course to both new and seasoned bloggers
Grey Ministries

My favorite part about the course that it helped me to stay connected with the community of like-minded people. I found my best friend here and I LOVED getting all the answers to the questions I had and all the wonderful support from Melyssa, the team, and TPC members.
This is the only course I recommend to my fellow colleagues, clients and friends who want to have a blog, a business, or create a community. I would take the class over and over again (in fact, I did!). Highly recommend TPC to anyone skeptical – it’s worth every penny and minute of your effort.
Wellness Coach for Entrepreneurs

I launched my first online course and within 2 weeks, we made $5,400! I was floored. When I first enrolled, we were asked to create a goal for our business. I decided that I wanted to have a 5-figure launch, thinking that would be impossible. In February 2018, we achieved that goal with a $16K launch. Overall, we’ve earned over $50K from our online courses. I’ve even successfully launched a calligraphy font, selling over 70 copies in the first 3 days! I could not have gotten the results so quickly if I hadn’t taken TPC. We have a very engaged community and our email list and social media followers are growing every day. Thanks, Melyssa!
Once you have the skills from The Profitable Creator, it’ll be so much easier to multiply your income and audience again and again.
The whole point of The Profitable Creator is to show you how to grow your audience and then create a scalable, online course that will make your money back many times over. The best part is you don’t need to over-complicate this whole business thing. I won’t lie: the system takes time + work to implement, but anyone can do it (no matter how long you’ve been creating content or which niche you’re in!).
Yes, this system works even if you’re brand new to content creation or online courses!
The Profitable Creator includes years of strategies and lessons that have helped me use my blog to grow a community of over 100,000 and an annual income of over a million dollars.
I’ve done the work of experimenting, researching, and implementing and now you have the opportunity to steal my strategies to create your own online empire. Think about how much time and money you’d save by joining The Profitable Creator… by finally knowing the exact path you need to take to reach success. Exit “overwhelm,” stage left.
Join now to use my Profitable Creator Method to start rapidly growing your audience and income online.
Are you willing to wait another year to grow your audience and create an income online?
Or do you want to start having BIG wins in the next few weeks and months?
The Profitable Creator is for you if you want to create and sell successful online courses with ease.
You’re going to fall head over heels for The Profitable Creator if…
- NYou create content online (or you want to!) and you would LOVE if you could turn it into your full-time income. Some of my past students include those in the health and nutrition, design, K-12 education, business, art, travel, and finance niches. But truly, this system works for any niche!
- NYou’re interested in selling online courses, but you don’t know where to begin or how to create and sell them.
- NYou’ve struggled to grow your audience or engagement and just wish people cared more about what you create.
- NYou’re tired of trying outdated strategies you found on random websites, feeling overwhelmed, and not knowing if you’re doing things right. You want a system that will walk you through each and every step so that you can finally gain clarity and be more efficient.
- NYou’ve been trying to make money online for a while now, and you’re frustrated and feeling like you’re “not cut out” for success. It’s not true! You just need a proven method.
I have to be honest. You’re not going to love The Profitable Creator if you’re looking for a way to “get rich quick.”
The Profitable Creator Method works incredibly well and is much, much faster than trying to figure everything out on your own, but only if you’re willing to put in the time and follow the steps.
I aim to make things as SIMPLE as possible, because I know that many of my students have full-time jobs, children, or other obligations. But this is a mutual relationship, so you need to be willing to do the work, too.
Here are some good signs that you should not join The Profitable Creator:
- MYou want something that will show you how to earn money from services, sponsored content, or ads. In TPC, I teach you profitable, passive income strategies so that you can build a brand that isn’t limited by the number of hours in a day.
- MYou don’t create content and don’t plan to start anytime soon. (It’s okay if you don’t create content YET...but you’ll eventually want to if you enroll in TPC).
- MYou’re looking for a course that will show you how to become an Instagram Influencer. This course helps people who create informational content on YouTube, a Podcast, or a Blog. In fact, I don't recommend using Instagram as your main platform!
Signed With Heart
Ashley’s story is absolutely incredible, and she’s not only making money, but impacting the world. After taking The Profitable Creator, she was able to make $16,000 teaching her course on fingerspelling to help others effectively communicate with people who have a hearing disability. Check out her video to learn more!
Productivity + Organization Teacher
Elizabeth went through TPC as a full-time mom, grad/PhD student, and Amazon shop owner… so it’s safe to say she’s a busy woman! Yet, in a few months, she grew her list from 0 to 1,300+ and her traffic from 30 to 1,000 page views per day. Check out her interview to hear great insights on how to achieve success online even when you’re crazy busy.
Food Photography Teacher
Online Marketing & Instagram Coach
Carla went from making $0 in her business to making $5K months. She went from never having written a single blog post and 0 subscribers on her email list, to enrolling over 200 PAYING students in her signature course “Instagram Secrets To Success”. As a result, she grew her list from 0 to over 3,000 engaged subscribers!
Sewing + Fashion Design Teacher
Eve was worried that you can only make money from online courses if you teach people how to make money online. But since starting TPC as a sewing and fashion instructor, she’s added 260 people to her online course waitlist in preparation of her upcoming launch. Watch her interview to hear about her specific stats and major growth.
It’s ok if you’re nervous or have doubts. Once you get inside The Profitable Creator, it’ll all start to click together.
I get it! So many of the students who discover this program were nervous when they first enrolled, too. It’s scary to take a chance on yourself. It’s confronting to think that you’re not “good enough” to get results. And it’s confusing to wonder if this course will be “just another thing” on your ever-growing to do list. Trust me, I understand how you’re feeling right now.
Here’s what I know for sure:
It’s time for you to create a community where you get to help people, where you’re seen as a leader, and where you’re able to dramatically grow your income.
This is your chance to follow your dreams, to help hundreds (if not thousands!) of people, and to earn an income that changes your life.
Hi! I’m your teacher, Melyssa Griffin.

I’m known for breaking down complex online business strategies into simple, step-by-step systems, and helping my students create well-rounded, happy lives. I’ve tried almost every business model out there, like selling handmade greeting cards, collaborating with big brands, and running a six-figure web design studio.
Now, as an online course instructor, I’ve taught nearly 20,000 students and grew my business to over $1 million in less than 3 years. And not only that, but I’ve leveraged my free content to attract a community of over 350,000 people. My free content is the foundation of my empire.
But things weren’t always so sweet. Back when I started my blog, I was earning $15/hour, feeling lost, uncreative, and bored out of my mind. What started on a whim quickly grew to become one of the most powerful decisions of my life and I’m grateful every day for this business and community I’ve created online.
So even if you’re new to online courses, have an audience of 1 (your mom), or have no idea what to create a course about, The Profitable Creator will become your online academy for creating the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of having.
My courses + work have been featured in…

You get 14 days to test drive The Profitable Creator. If you don’t love it, I’ll give you a full refund.
Not sure if The Profitable Creator is right for you? Well, I’m giving you two whole weeks to try my strategies. If you reach out within 14 days after enrollment to let me know that you’re not seeing any growth with the program, I’ll happily give you a full refund.
I’m offering this money-back guarantee because I believe so strongly in the contents of The Profitable Creator and I want you to see how game-changing this course can be, risk-free.
Are you ready to take a leap and create an online business?

Absolutely. If you’re sharing information in your content, then there’s a market out there waiting for you to create a packaged system to show them how to get results more quickly.
Here are a couple case studies of my students that may sway how you feel…
Allie is a yoga instructor and teaches yoga and meditation online. She launched her first yoga course to her audience and made almost $70,000 in 3 weeks by selling a product that was only $129!
Rachel teaches food bloggers how to take better photos in her online course. She was able to grow her email list from 200 to 2,500 subscribers and launched her first course where she made $12,000 in just the first TWO DAYS of her launch.
Mindy teaches people how to use a special tool called “copic markers” to create art. She was able to grow her list to 2,500 people and earn $3,000 when she released her course.
…So, regardless of which niche you’re in, there’s space for you in The Profitable Creator to grow a community and create a profitable business.
What a great way to start your online career! So many of us spend the first few years of online business taking shots in the dark and hoping someone will magically find us.
By starting with The Profitable Creator, you’re likely to grow a profitable business faster than the average content creator. Yeah, it might take a few weeks or months longer to lay the groundwork, but you’ve gotta do that anyway, right? Might as well make sure that you do it right the first time!
Believe it or not, but this is actually a HUGE positive, because that means that people are already willing to pay for your idea. It means that there is a NEED and that people are purchasing your idea to help them. Pretty sweet to already know there are buyers out there waiting for your course!
The key is that YOU are the differing factor. You will bring your own unique experiences, knowledge, and personality that will differentiate your product from others. It’s all about finding the RIGHT person to solve your problem, and that is you!
I sure do! I would never leave you baffled at how to figure out the technical set up. In fact, even people who are not computer literate have been able to pick up these skills very quickly with my SIMPLE trainings. I only use platforms that are intuitive, and I walk you through them step-by-step to make this whole process a lot EASIER for you! If I ever talk about a piece of software, you can be sure that I have a corresponding tech tutorial to walk you through it. 🙂
And the best part, you have a lifetime access to the course, so you can stop, pause, implement, and hop back in where you left off!
I hear you! When I was a classroom teacher, I would come home totally worn out from being on my feet all day, and I would often lack the motivation to work on my side hustle. However, once I found a supportive community to cheer me on, everything changed.
In TPC you will receive access to my private community of seriously ah-maz-ing content creators who will help to hold you accountable. Plus, if you’re tired from your day job, then the worst thing you could do is not have a proven plan to follow, right? Because that would only lead you to waste valuable time. In The Profitable Creator, ever single step is clearly laid out for you so that you can be as efficient as possible.
The questions I recommend asking yourself are: Do you want to double your email list? Do you want to launch a profitable online course this year? Do you want your content to be more effective? If yes, then The Profitable Creator was created for someone like you.
Keep in mind that you’ll also be learning from me (Melyssa Griffin) – I have helped tens of thousands of students and clients using both beginner and advanced strategies. I’m confident I can help you up-level your online game, too!
Great question! The Profitable Creator is almost entirely created with brand new material that I haven’t taught or shared anywhere else. But some of the concepts in my other courses are so foundational and important that you might find them in TPC, too.
Rest assured, I’ve had students take ALL of my courses and have told me that they’ve learned brand new strategies in every single one – often telling me that any similar information is a nice refresher, but a small part of TPC itself. This course will fill in the gaps of any other lessons I’ve taught and provide you with the next steps to turn your content into a profitable online course.
You bet! If you spend 14 days going through the course and taking action, but still don’t see results, I will gladly give you a refund. No risks here!
How does forever sound? I can tell you that The Profitable Creator won’t always be offered at this price and will continually be revamped with new strategies, info, and advice. But you? You won’t have to pay a dime for any of those updates. You get permanent access to the course! Many students like to review it and come back to lessons over and over again throughout their online career.
Basically, if your audience uses the internet, this program will work for you. But seriously! Some of my past students include those in the health and nutrition, design, k-12 education, communication, yoga, nature, business, art, photography, travel, and language instruction niches, though truly just about ANY industry can work.
It’s far less about what niche you’re in, and far more about the methods you use.
The first half of The Profitable Creator will show you how to get more traffic to your website and subscribers on your email list themes that are universal regardless of which type of business you decide to grow.
But the second half of TPC is all about how to create and launch an online course. If you want to create a line of physical products, I actually recommend that you still sell digital products first.
Why? Well, physical products are costly to create – you have to invest money into supplies, shipping, and packaging. By creating passive income from digital products first, you’ll earn the money you’d need to later launch physical products to your audience (without having to worry about taking out loans or spending your life savings on supplies).
But to put it simply: I don’t teach about physical products in this course.

Sign up now! Enrollment closes soon.
Payment Plan
6 monthly payments of- The Profitable Creator Course
- Live, Weekly Coaching Calls ($1,997 VALUE)
- 6-Figure Launch Blueprints ($397 VALUE)
- 10 Copy-and-Paste Money Making Launch Emails ($997 VALUE)
- Members-Only Facebook Community ($497 VALUE)
- The Getting Started Guides for Bloggers, Podcasters, and YouTubers ($197 VALUE)
- Sales Funnel Accelerator ($297 VALUE)
1 payment of- The Profitable Creator Course
- Live, Weekly Coaching Calls ($1,997 VALUE)
- 6-Figure Launch Blueprints ($397 VALUE)
- 10 Copy-and-Paste Money Making Launch Emails ($997 VALUE)
- Members-Only Facebook Community ($497 VALUE)
- The Getting Started Guides for Bloggers, Podcasters, and YouTubers ($197 VALUE)
- Sales Funnel Accelerator ($297 VALUE)